What is the Voice of the Customer(VOC)?

The term "Voice of the Customer" (VoC) refers to feedback from customers that provides insight into their expectations and actual experiences. This feedback includes information about their requirements, wishes, and inclinations, and can assist a company's team in enhancing their product or service.
Why is the voice of the customer important?
The importance of the voice of the customer cannot be overstated for various businesses. It enables brands to be more attentive to their customers, resulting in a smooth customer experience. By receiving customer feedback, companies can gain insight into what influences their customers' purchasing decisions. This helps entrepreneurs understand what their customers need and expect from their businesses, allowing them to address those needs.

When companies understand their customers's expectations, they can develop the exact products or services that their customers are looking for. This eliminates the need for extensive research and the process of gathering customer information from third parties. Companies can directly contact consumers and inquire about their expectations and experiences. However, not all feedback is positive, as people have different needs and desires. Constructive criticism can be even more valuable as it can reveal negative aspects of a product or service.
How to capture the "Voice of the Customer"
There are several approaches you can employ to collect customer feedback and improve the customer experience. Here are some of the most efficient methods to measure satisfaction and identify any issues within your company.

  • Net Promoter Score(NPS): Asking customers about their willingness to recommend your company to others can assist you in evaluating their loyalty. By providing customers with a rating scale from 0 to 10 to assess your brand, you can gauge their level of satisfaction. This allows you to determine how content they are with your company.
  • Surveys: The most conventional and dependable technique to gather customer feedback is through surveys. By utilizing surveys, you can discover the consumer's perspective regarding various features of your product or service. You can create targeted questions for a single customer or a group of people and ask for their responses through email, phone, or in-person. This approach can enable you to develop a better understanding of your customers and form stronger relationships with them.
  • Focus group: A focus group typically comprises 8 individuals who gather in person to discuss a product. In this setting, they can express their opinions, expectations, and perceptions about a brand or its product freely. The data collected from a focus group can be used by the company to comprehend the customers' needs and priorities. The company's team can also determine what consumers would like to see in a business or product. Through a focus group, a brand can receive feedback on each of its main areas.
  • Chat: Live chat is a valuable tool to gather customer insights, considering that approximately 75% of customers prefer it over other communication channels when contacting a company. By implementing live chat, you can obtain real-time feedback from your target audience. You can take several actions to acquire useful information, such as resolving customer issues immediately and conducting surveys to evaluate user experience. Through this, you can identify any problems and enhance customer satisfaction.

Best Practices
To maximize the benefits of your Voice of the Customer (VoC) collection program, it is important to adhere to the following best practices.

Collect customer feedback regularly: It is crucial to regularly gather customer feedback as numerous customers interact with your company on a daily basis, and their experiences can either positively or negatively impact your company's reputation. To ensure that your product works efficiently and customers are satisfied, it is important to conduct surveys frequently. By doing so, you can obtain valuable customer feedback and identify areas that require attention and improvement. Regularly capturing customer feedback indicates that you are consistently engaging with your target audience, which allows you to understand their most recent needs, preferences, requirements, expectations, and pain points. Additionally, they may provide you with suggestions on how to enhance customer satisfaction.

Capture information from various touch points: During the buyer journey, customers interact with various touch points when engaging with your brand, whether it be purchasing online or in a physical store. Depending on the type of purchase, customers may encounter different teams and have diverse experiences. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the customer experience, it is essential to identify all the touch points during the buyer journey and thoroughly analyze them. Once you have analyzed the touch points, you will have a better understanding of what actions to take and which areas require improvement.

Iterate on feedback: After gathering all customer insights, it is crucial to analyze and extract useful information for your company. The objective is to comprehend the customers' answers and identify the primary reasons for their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. By understanding their feedback, you can pinpoint specific areas that require improvement and develop strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.

Value negative feedback: It is not enough to listen to negative customer experiences; taking action is also necessary. To enhance customer experience, you must work with your core teams to create a plan. The quicker you resolve the issues, the better it is for your customers and your brand.
How to use the Voice of the Customer
To maximize the benefits of your Voice of the Customer (VoC) collection program, it is important to adhere to the following best practices.

Collect customer feedback regularly: It is crucial to regularly gather customer feedback as numerous customers interact with your company on a daily basis, and their experiences can either positively or negatively impact your company's reputation. To ensure that your product works efficiently and customers are satisfied, it is important to conduct surveys frequently. By doing so, you can obtain valuable customer feedback and identify areas that require attention and improvement. Regularly capturing customer feedback indicates that you are consistently engaging with your target audience, which allows you to understand their most recent needs, preferences, requirements, expectations, and pain points. Additionally, they may provide you with suggestions on how to enhance customer satisfaction.

Capture information from various touch points: During the buyer journey, customers interact with various touch points when engaging with your brand, whether it be purchasing online or in a physical store. Depending on the type of purchase, customers may encounter different teams and have diverse experiences. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the customer experience, it is essential to identify all the touch points during the buyer journey and thoroughly analyze them. Once you have analyzed the touch points, you will have a better understanding of what actions to take and which areas require improvement.

Iterate on feedback: After gathering all customer insights, it is crucial to analyze and extract useful information for your company. The objective is to comprehend the customers' answers and identify the primary reasons for their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. By understanding their feedback, you can pinpoint specific areas that require improvement and develop strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.

Value negative feedback: It is not enough to listen to negative customer experiences; taking action is also necessary. To enhance customer experience, you must work with your core teams to create a plan. The quicker you resolve the issues, the better it is for your customers and your brand.
Johan Gudmundsson
CTO, Co-Founder
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