
Understand how drivers impact commercial objectives such as sales.
Understand what drives your sales!
Gain insights of how business drivers impact your sales and other KPIs the most while accounting for external factors, such as inflation, weather, economic indicators/situations etc. With the Alviss AI it is possible to actually measure the impact of
  • Marketing
  • Pricing
  • Distribution
  • Net promoter Score (NPS)
  • ...
Then utilize this knowledge to maximize your commercial objectives such as increasing the number of new customers, units sold, and total revenue.
What you can expect
  • 10 - 20%
    Sales increase via pricing tweaks
  • 10 - 25 %
    Reduce in churn rate
Dive into what drives your sales

Get an understanding of how various drivers such as
  • Brand
  • Distribution
  • Macro Economical factors
  • Media Investments
  • Pricing
impact your commercial objectives.
Utilize the ability to simulate various scenarios to quickly understand how to best allocate resources. E.g. What gives me the highest ROI? An increase in media investments or should I instead invest in setting up more distribution channels?
Resource planning
Use your customized models to forecast the demand that will result from your commercial activities in order to gear production to meet future demand.

E.g. predict the impact of a media campaign combined with a price reduction on your sales and demand.
What sort of questions can Alviss AI answer about your sales?
  • what drives sales, measure the effect, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    What factors drive our sales?
    Measure the full impact of external drivers such as marketing, macro economy, seasonality, branding etc. and how these affect your internal drivers.
  • effect of inflation and other macro factors, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    How will inflation affect our sales and revenue?
    See the impact of various macro economic scenarios and find the optimal actions in order to mitigate the effect.
  • impact of competitors, such as pricing, marketing, distribution, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    How much business are we losing to our competitors?
    Investigate how different competitors impact you business.
  • optimize pricing, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    Price for growth or price for profitability?
    Understand how pricing influence getting new customers and at the same time measure how this impacts your bottom line.
  • understand what impacted sales, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    Why did our sales drop last quarter?
    Is it just a seasonal swing? Is it macro economical factors? Did we not spend enough on our marketing investments?
  • measure the roi, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    What is the actual ROI on a specific distributor?
    Compare the effectiveness of different distribution challenges and compare against cost.
Tweak pricing to boost profits by 10 to 20 %
Customer Case: Sustainable Growth
Identification of actionable growth opportunities in +10 countries across five products.
Take it to the next level
Move beyond focusing on a single commercial objective.
Our total business approach can combine multiple
use cases into one model.
  • Churn
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Brand Awareness
  • Sales
  • Customer Experience
  • Demand Forcasting

We call this "Holistic Business Measurement and Optimization".
Ready for the next step?

Read our blogpost on how to include domain knowledge