
Get a full understanding of your sales funnel and boost the return on your marketing investments by up to 40%
Increase Marketing Effectiveness with AI
Our AI engine makes it possible to gain insight into how effective various media channels have been historically and gives you a tool to plan your next marketing campaign. It does it by combining multiple drivers such as
  • Online media
  • Offline media
  • Pricing
  • Distribution
together with external drivers such as competitor marketing, macro economical factors, seasonality etc.

The AI engine creates a model of your businesses that can be used to get insights into how effective historical marketing investments have been. This model can also be used to simulate various scenarios such one can see how effective various marketing strategies will be. For example what will be the difference in outcome if you invest everything in online media vs 50 - 50 in online and offline media?
Increase return on marketing efforts by up to 40 %

Quantify the contribution of marketing
Whether it's digital, TV, radio, OOH, in-store or print, you gain the ability to quantify and track the impact of your marketing on sales.
See everything in one place
Combine data from all the platforms you use in one platform and use it as a central point of reference for all stakeholders to see.
Understand the sales funnel
Understand how marketing impacts your sales funnel.
Test your marketing ideas
Predict and compare how various campaigns will perform.
What questions can Alviss AI answer for marketing?
  • effect of marketing on sales, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    How does marketing drive our sales?
    Measure the full impact of marketing on your whole business. Understand how it impacts areas such as sales, branding, and churn and explore synergies.
  • how effective was the last campaign? business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    What was the ROI of our latest campaign?
    Drill down and quantify the ROI of different campaigns and compare how effective they were.
  • interaction of price and media, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    How does price and media interact?
    Investigate the impact of combining price changes and marketing campaigns together in order to meet your commercial objectives.
  • find the ideal marketing budget, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    How much should I invest in marketing next year?
    Knowing how much to invest to reach commercial goals, such as "get X-number of new customers" or "reach sales target Y" makes planning and executing a lot more efficient.
  • find the best timing, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    What is the optimal timing for our next campaign?
    Understand the impact of seasonality on your marketing activities - use it to your advantage.
  • predict future effect, business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Marketing Mix Models, Artificial Intelligence
    What is the effect on our sales if we reduce media by X%?
    Highlight the effect of budgeting decisions, such as reducing marketing investments in favour of boosting distribution channels.
Customer Case: Budget Optimization
Sales budget savings of up to 25% compared to existing spending.
"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."
John Wanamaker
Marketing Pioneer
Read our blog post on how we go beyond standard Business Science Models within marketing.
Ready for the next step?
Take it to the next level
Move beyond focusing on a single commercial objective.
Our total business approach can combine multiple
use cases into one model.
  • Churn
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Brand Awareness
  • Sales
  • Customer Experience
  • Demand Forcasting

We call this "Holistic Business Measurement and Optimization".